Kate McCracken is a one-of-a-kind facilitator. Kate has been working with us at the Hive for several years, as a facilitator, as an active group member, and as a trainer of facilitators. The Hive is a conscious community equipping those seeking inner and outer transformation with awakening experiences and fuel for collective change in the world. What this looks like on the ground is Kate helping hold circles and groups online in ways that brings out the inner change a person seeks, and challenge to discover this in the presence of others. Kate makes more brave mindful action possible happen for others. As a participant, Kate is able to stay with herself, while vulnerably offering from her abundance to others. As a trainer, Kate can help consolidate thinking, organize thoughts into learning objectives and frameworks, and mix them together with humor, guidance, curiosity, and invitation. Kate knows how to welcome others, set the tone, get to the point, and land the plane gracefully- a combination that very very few facilitators share. The Hive community is better for her generous contributions and presence. And on top of all that Kate is someone you want to hang out with after everything is said and done.