The Little Pool
We had a pool in our backyard when I was growing up. I didn't realize until many years later what a privilege that was, but that's beside the point (or maybe it isn't, we'll both find out at the end of this post). The pool was in-ground, not quite kidney shaped, with...
In nature, softening is a precursor to absolute purpose. The spring earth softens as it thaws, aided by warm rain, before it receives the seeds of newly budding trees. The summer fruit softens on the vine, sending out a sweet scent inviting consumption whether by...
Social Anxiety
A week or two ago I was in a small group conversation on Zoom. One of the group members shared that he was recently at a bonfire gathering with friends. It was January and 20 degrees but this was what it took to connect with his community so there they were. Someone...

On Being White…
There may be a time in my life when I am embarrassed by the choice to write this, but right now I'm embarrassed about not having written it sooner, so here we go. The ancestral makeup that generates my skin tone is one half Irish/Scottish (there was some debate among...
New Year, New Vow
I have a history with new year's resolutions. Namely breaking them. And then swearing off them as I prefer not to do things I don't anticipate will be successful. In recent years I've played with intentions instead. Feeling less pressure to do anything other than...
Let’s Make Up Good Stories
Thank you for the warm reception back to the inter webs friends! It was quite heart expanding. My commitment to myself has already wavered, as things tend to do when I don't put them in my phone as calendar appointments or reminders. But the good news is that as...
SUCCESS is the word
Have you heard of this “word of the year” trend? It’s a bit of a substitute for making new year’s resolutions. I haven’t made resolutions for years. Some time ago I realized the process of choosing resolutions and promptly not following through on them was a...
Being “Different”
My high school drama teacher (at one time the sole distributor of life altering wisdom I paid any attention to) said that one of the biggest mistakes most people make is believing they're the only one who feels/thinks the way they do. Time and time again I've found...
Give Up Sweating the Small Stuff
I judge people. We all do. It's part of the human experience. And while some might say that the goal of a mindful life is to live free of judgment, I like to remind them (and really, myself) that living free of judgment includes judgment of the judgers. So, I...
See Yourself Ignite
Tonight as I was watching and tending to the fire in my fireplace I sat in quiet contemplation (well, really I sat half listening to an episode of Curious George and zoning out while staring into the flames hoping for an extra dose of prana for my tired body). And...
Give Up: Holding On
Every life story has the moment (or momentS depending on the tragedy level of the cards you were dealt) where everything completely falls apart... Your husband gets sick (and I'm not talking man-cold although we know how devastating that can be), you lose your job,...
Go Ahead and Give Up
If I was a literary figure my tragic flaw would be that I give up too easily. Hopefully without sounding too full of myself I have to tell you that for most of my life I've had enough things come easily to me that I haven't had to work hard for much (I know... I...