Rachel Faulkner
Working with Kate has made me a stronger leader. I am better able to identify and meet my team's...
Niki Pappas
Nine Points Wellness
I have admired Kate’s ability to create a brave space to stimulate open sharing, discussion, and sometimes intense dissent. I had the sense of being on a boat — the waves could get rougher and the sky darker as our group dug deep and got raw, but she could nevertheless adjust the sails and somehow make the wind die down for us to drop anchor and settle down to process and reflect.
Erin Gallagher, BA LMT bctmb
Awakening Bodies Co.
Kate can listen like very few humans. She hears many things that are not said with words. She paces words, session, and tasks in an intuitively timed way-this is a rare level of communication and relationship brilliance that seems so natural for her. She’s accommodating, but clear, enthusiastic but not overzealous. She’s refined and comfortable in her own skin and methods, which puts her clients right at ease. And, she’s super lovable, loving and very enjoyable to be around. Her energy is a gift you don’t expect to receive!

Workshop Design & Facilitation
Andy Swindler
Co-Founder & Chief Empathy Officer, Feel Real
Kate’s capacity for facilitation is so natural that I often forget just how much experience she brings to the table. Here’s a hint: it’s prolific! And she was holding space online even before COVID made it cool. She was one of the first people I collaborated with at the beginning of the pandemic,
Troy Bronsink,
The Hive: A Center for Contemplation, Art, and Action.
Kate McCracken is a one-of-a-kind facilitator. Kate has been working with us at the Hive for several years, as a...
Maggie Perrino
Kate creates an open, safe space for hard discussions and never shames us for being where we are on our anti-racism journey. I appreciate her ability to adapt with the flow of discussion as well as challenge us to see roles and protocols we’ve used for decades in new ways. Her foremost concern is not to instruct or correct, but rather to facilitate our own learning journey.
Jamie J. Umanzor
Founder, President, & Principal Consultant |C3 Equity Consulting
Kate was the first person in my entire career that I met who was unapologetically out and proud. Seeing a queer woman who was confident and thriving changed me. It was the first time that I had living proof it was not only ok to be my full authentic self but necessary.
Needs Assessment
Gwen Ichinose Bagley
Kate has a wonderful presence and meets individuals where they are in the moment. She takes the time to understand the end goal(s) and what that looks like before starting projects or conversations. She approaches situations with an attitude of curiosity and suspension of judgment. She is intentional about listening for understanding and testing assumptions. For projects, she spends the time up front to understand the purpose, success indicators, framework and expectations. When Kate took on a project with me, I get confidence in her approach and ability to achieve the expected results.

Retreat Hosting & Facilitation
Kara Pierson
Lilac & Indigo
Kate’s thoughtful and approachable facilitation style was an asset to the retreat that we hosted. Her commitment to integrity, equity, and community- building shines through everything that she does and speaks to her authenticity as a leader.
Geralyn Hoxsey Sparough,
Curriculum Curator, The Hive Cincinnati
Kate McCracken is a virtuoso in facilitation and group work! She is skilled at setting an agenda and gently keeping everyone on task. She has worked with our lead team to develop a professional training experience for our new and experienced facilitators that has been received with great enthusiasm. Kate not only guides the process, but empowers the participants, creating an environment of mutual appreciation, responsibility, and commitment. Kate is simply the best!
What role did/does Kate play in your life/work? Kate was my mentor and leadership coach. I will always- present tense included - consider her a mentor extraordinaire who rocks....
Reading Partners DC
I have been coached by Kate for the last year through my work. She has been incredibly helpful in several ways, and I always look forward to our sessions together! Not only does...
Stephanie Enaje
Kate has been integral to my transition from a teaching role to a management role. She offers a clear and precise diagnosis of any work scenario I present and offers actionable...
Lorena Espinal
Communications Deputy, Los Angeles City Council District 12
Kate allows you to discover yourself and come to your own answers by posing questions that invite discussion, exploration, and introspection. She is a powerful woman in the most gentle of ways. She is always prepared and organized with a plan. She is clear, concise, and thorough with her words.
Anna G, Educator & Advocate
Working with Kate has been a true privilege. Kate individualizes her approach, and has helped me identify and refine the connections between my strengths, experiences and goals. She is empathetic, creative, and motivating in how she communicates. I’ve been able to authentically evaluate where I am and where I’m going, supported by Kate’s guidance and encouragement.
Mary Kate Suhy,
Reading Partners
Kate has been my coach for over a year, and our time together has supported and improved my effectiveness as a manager. In our regular sessions, Kate maintains a balance of direct feedback and questions that prompt my own reflection. I always leave our conversations with a better understanding of myself as a manager and with tangible new ways to address challenges in my work. What I find most helpful is Kate’s ability to reframe what I share in a way that sheds light on patterns or connections I don’t see on my own. I would recommend anyone looking to improve their leadership practice to connect with Kate!
Keynote Address
Sarah Louise Butler
Project Specialist | University of Minnesota
Kate was hired as a keynote speaker and breakout session presenter for a professional development event I was overseeing on behalf of CYFAR (Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk) grant under the...